Thursday, May 30, 2019

Why should you have a fast loading website ?

Even a millisecond makes a great difference

We have experienced that website owners spend most of their time on developing a good concept, design, and content for their website. It's definitely a good thing to do. The website owners need to pay much attention to the load time performance of the website. In this blog post, we will discuss how the slow loading page can induce revenue loss for online digital marketers and how to convert in fast loading website

Better load time(fast loading website) can help business incubation

Through websites, the business house tries to; establish a digital presence (branding), generate online leads and enhance online sales. If the potential customers perceive your website to be slow, unable to meet any of the above goals, the bounce rate can increase. A slow website will definitely not have a positive impact on your branding despite you having good design. When your website loads slower on mobile and desktop devices, the customers may not want to stay on the website. This may result in having an adverse impact on your lead generation and online sale.
Nowadays every e-commerce. The owner wants to increase their conversion rate and reduce its exit rate. Studies show that one of the key reasons why the exit rate may be hitting the roof of the poor page is load performance. Hence, it definitely makes sense to improve your page load speed as much as possible.

Know the fast load time for your website

According to Google’s latest research, the time it takes to load the average mobile landing page is 22 seconds. However, research also indicates 53% of people will leave a page if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load.
As Google found out 70% of pages take 7 seconds for the visual content above the fold to fast load. This is troubling because as page load time is 1 second to 7 seconds, the likelihood of pages abandoning increase by 113%.
As load time goes from:
Loading Time
the probability of bounce increase
1s to 3s
1s to 5s
1s to 6s
1s to 10s
Source: Google/SOASTA Research, 2017
Similarly, Surveys were done by Akamai and revealed, nearly half of web users expect a site to load within 2 seconds or less, and they tend to abandon to a site that isn’t loaded within three seconds.

Summing up
Gone is the time when people used to cling to any website to load with no options. A fast loading website help to improve our website load time. This was probably due to poor internet speed, lack of options, network settings or they didn’t have the sophisticated gadgets as they have it today. Pages taking extra time to load can bounce off visitors before they arrive on your site. The slow website may spoil all the marketing efforts that you put over a period of time. A fast loading website page enhances the Ad Words Landing Page Quality and ranking in Google search. Hence, all the website owners must prioritize the faster loading of the website along with good design and content. we also provide how To Start an eCommerce business.